Gavin Beretta
Financial Director.
Has over 35 years’ experience (local and international) in both medium and large organisations, in which he provided financial leadership to various management teams and served on a number of boards.
With strong experience in company valuations and operational finance, Gavin now manages financial and taxation services to business and professionals, both nationally and internationally, as Financial Director of the FinSolve Group of companies.
Gavin, holding a MBA, is a member of CSSA (Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa), SAIT (South African Institute of Tax Practitioners), and a licensed Independent Review Practitioner endorsed by SAIPA (South African Institute of Professional Accountants).
Gavin is member of the prestigious Institute of Market Technicians, an Association of professionals, based in the USA which provides technical analysis on equity pricing and trends.

Gary Garbutt
C.A.I.B. ( SA )
Head of Operations
Comes from a financial management background with a formal qualification in estate planning and estate, trust and will administration
having initially worked for various renowned Trust companies for many years, gaining valuable experience and insight into the practical application of will drafting, as well as understanding the full administration process of deceased estates and formation and workings of Trusts.
Gary then became involved in the running, marketing and building up of numerous training and software businesses, and with this strong operational experience is currently Head of Operations of the Finsolve Group, consisting of various accounting, tax, secretarial, deceased estate services, training and software companies in the group.